
INTERNeX is a company about people… people who want to explore their world and experience what our global community has to offer and this has been the philosophy of our organization since we began in 1998 and still drives us today.

INTERNeX staff, participants and affiliates join an organization with its eyes to a future without cultural or linguistic barriers, our people understand what it means to live in todays world, and that as members of an ever smaller and more interconnected world village, we must know what the village looks like from the other side, and from other points of view.

We believe one needs to gain real, practical experience in a country, and not just be a tourist to truely learn this view… INTERNeX’s people are world citizens.  Our staff come from all over the world and all have travelled extensively and have all lived abroad.  We are all intimately aware of  the barriers and opportunities facing our participants and affiliates and participate wholly in the betterment of the global community through the provision of opportunities for understanding and awareness.