New ‘kid’ on the blog

We’ve got a new ‘kid’ joining our INTERNeX family this week. Meet Alina, a 20-year-old from the vibrant city of Frankfurt, Germany. She’s here to dive into the Vancouver scene for the next four weeks, so we’re happy she chose us to be part of her journey. 😊

Originally, Alina had her sights set on our ranchstay program. You see, she’s not just your average city dweller; she’s a lover of the great outdoors, with a passion for horseback riding that rivals her dedication to hitting the gym. But well, fate had other plans, and the ranchstay fell through. No worries though, she’s now on the hunt for a practicum here, and we’ve got our fingers crossed that she lands something awesome soon. 🤞

Fresh out of school just last year, Alina’s been making the most of her time with a mix of internships, work gigs, and travelling. But her next big step? Studying social work in Dortmund, starting later this year. Sure, Dortmund might be a hop, skip, and a jump away from Frankfurt, but thanks to the magic of a dual study program, she’ll only have to make the trip twice a week. Talk about convenient! Also wanting to study social work says a lot about her, meet her at pubnight and you’ll experience her open and positive spirit! 🥰

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Right now, Alina’s soaking in every moment of her Vancouver experience, and from what she’s been telling us, this city has stolen her heart like no other. Can you blame her though? Vancouver’s got that effect on people. Whether it’s the beautiful nature or the city itself, you have no choice but love it✨. So here’s to Alina, the newest addition to our crew, and to the adventures that lie ahead.

So, if you’re up for making a new friend, be sure to snag a spot at our today’s pub night, it’s the perfect opportunity to meet new people and she might be one of them. 🤪

See ya!

-Selina and Daniela 🙂

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