New ‘Kids’ on the Blog

Have you had a chance to meet our new ‘kids’ yet? If not, then let me introduce them to you! 

Elias (he/him) is from Bonn in Germany and here with us for about three months. During that time he’ll be volunteer at an animal care centre which has wild and domestic animals. He loves animals of all sorts as they are part of nature and he’d love to help them. He just finished school and when he goes back home he’d like to study chemistry. He picked Canada as destination because of the landscape, the language and because he loves hiking, hunting and fishing. That’s definitely popular amongst many Canadians as well, so you’re in the right place Elias. 😉 His first impression of Vancouver is that it’s bigger than it first seems and there’s a lot of people around, even tough the population sounds smaller. On his bucket list are a visit to the Rocky Mountains, exploring nature and maybe even do a survival trip in the wilderness! At home he likes to play the piano and meet his friends. Fun Fact: Elias is half Turkish and therefore speaks Turkish fluently. 😉 

Here we have Clara (she/her) from the beautiful Sauerland in Germany. Clara loves animals as well and wants to do something meaningful while in Canada which is why she’ll be volunteering at a cat sanctuary for the next 6 weeks. At home she just finished High School and when she’s back she -same as Elias- wants to study chemistry. And no, there’s no relation, this is just a fun coincidence. 😉 Her parents been in Canada before and told her to go to Vancouver instead of cities like New York for example because they find it way more beautiful here. I can only agree! Clara likes Vancouver so far because it has everything the heart desires: mountains, city and ocean. While she’s here there’s nothing specific on her bucket list, just experiencing as much as possible! Her hobbies include horseback riding, pilates, swimming and playing the flute. A fun fact about her is that she’s the friend that talks too loud. 😀 If you know, you know. 😉

Pascal (he/him) is from Oberhausen in Germany. He’s going to stay with us for 6 months, how exciting! He’s already thinking about staying maybe longer depending on how it goes. 🙂 His volunteer practicum is very versatile with lots of different tasks including projects about carbon neutral practices, etc. His expertise is engineering which he just finished studying back home. He specializes in heating, lighting and ventilation of buildings. It was actually a co-op degree where he had the chance to gain some practical work experience on top of his theoretical classes. He might want to specialize more in energy with a masters program once he’s back, but he’s not quite sure yet. He picked Canada – and also this season – because he really likes the rain, how it paints the forest lush green, the fog and really the whole vibe of Raincouvers nature. He’s here to experience it all. On his bucket list is seeing a black bear, go to Vancouver Island and do lots of hiking. That’s a great itinerary I think. His first impression of Vancouver was that it’s a big city and a bit dirty at first, but he’s not surprised and believes it has some really nice corners and some that you just better avoid. In his free time he likes to play piano and sports, his favourite is probably Taekwondo which he’s been practicing for a long time now. Another fun fact: Pascal sings in a choir since 2016! Sounds like we gotta take him to Karaoke night, what do y’all think? 😉

I’m excited for you to get to know them all better and as always stay tuned for more new ‘kids’ on the blog coming soon. 😉



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