INTERNeX Canada: Culture Shock

If you are a beer-lover, I’m sure that you already have thought about this.  The beer is one of the most representative things in a country. It’s part of the culture, everybody is so proud about his own beer (even if they don’t like it). If you are in a group with people of different countries, try to start a conversation about which country make the best beer. The friendship will disappear very fast.

Moose Head, one of the most famous Canadian beers!

I had a lot of very deeply conversations about this topic. Everybody is agree with me about one fact: Canadian beer is stronger than in other countries. Somebody told me that the Spanish beer tastes too soft. I said “no way, are you crazy?!” But after three months in Vancouver, I tried a Spanish beer the other day and oh my god! It’s taste like water for me (I hope anybody from Spain will read this, or I will have to ask for political asylum in Canada).

The smell is so different to. During my first weeks I was wondering all the time why the pubs had this strange smell, like some kind of clean product. Then I realized that it was the beer.  Now I like that smell, and it’s one of the most representative things in Canada for me.

Other thing that surprised me was the different things that they put in the beers. It’s very common to find beers mixed with honey or fruits (mango, strawberry…) the other day I discovered one fantastic brand: Seedspitter, made with watermelon! At the beginning you can think “oh… this is not form me” but it’s pretty good! And the label is amazing.

Other thing that really surprised me… the designs of the bottles and labels… they are so cool and modern. In my opinion, you can see that Canada is a young country in this kind of things.

Bottle Rock, looks like a pop, but it’s beer

So what do you think? It’s Canadian beer better that in your country? Which brand do you prefer? Leave us a comment about this controversial topic.

Okole maluna! (Cheers in Hawaiian).


INTERNeX International Exchange
International Village,
Suite 2077, 2079 – 88 West Pender Street
Vancouver, Canada -V6B 9N9-