Cartoons for ADULTS ONLY

Batman, Wolverine, X-Men….we all dream of living vicariously through the masks or amazing powers of a superhero.
Come down to Blarney Stone tonight to celebrate TELETOONS AT NIGHT!It’s Teletoons, but for ADULTS ONLY!

Blarney Stone will be transformed into a cartoon wonderland.  There will be non-stop running of upcoming cartoon programs throughout the night.  
COME EARLY!And you can get FREE BEER! The first 200 people to come and fill out a survey on an iPad wins a free beer!
In addition, there will be a photo station where you can take pictures with ROBOT CHICKEN.  The photos may be retrieved from Facebook.
If you want to see this cartoon-filled night, come to Blarney Stone’s to enjoy beer, some music, and a fun atmosphere sure to appeal to the kid in you!

Free Beer and Cartoons this Pub Night!!!


The words “free beer” and “cartoons” together stirs up a perfect recipe to spell F-U-N!!!

Come join INTERNeX at Blarney Stone on Wednesday, November 3, at 8:30pm!!!

If you are familiar with Flintstones, Caspar the Friendly Ghost, and Alvin and the Chipmunks, you will know they are all part of the Teletoon network!

Ever feel like you are a kid stuck in an adult’s body? Well, Teletoons has cartoons for adults at nighttime: Robot Chicken, American Dad, Futurama are amongst some of the popular shows featured during the night.

One of the biggest highlights for this week’s pub night is the FREE BEER that is given to the first 200 people who fill out a personality quiz on iPads.  The quiz will match the participant’s personality with a Teletoon at Night characters.

Come in to experience a whirlwind of cartoons, with a DVD providing nonstop Teletoon at Night programming showcasing the cartoons featured during the nighttime shows. 

Take your photo with the Robot Chicken step and repeat wall.  Your photos will be uploaded on the Teletoon at Night Facebook page for retrieval.

INTERNeX International Exchange

Suite 200-211 Columbia Street

Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-


Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149



Our gang having a couple of beers!

When have you ever heard these two words put together before?! A wise person once told me – beer is never FREE!

But for a limited time, the first few people who attend this Wednesday’s PuB NiGhT which is TODAY (October 20, 2010) will get FREE BEER, or until the first pitcher is finished! Tonight’s PuB NiGhT starts at 8:30pm!
We have alot of events that are brewing in time to celebrate Halloween!!!
Next Wednesday, we are going to celebrate Halloween in style!  You can choose to come dressed up for this frighteningly, scary holiday!  What costume would you choose?

Alot of people from other countries are telling me that Halloween is not “big” where they live, but you should experience Canada’s Halloween! It is quite a spectacular scene – we take Halloween seriously, and it shows! That’s why we should all participate in this holiday and show them what we’re made of!

Within the next few pub nights are trip give-aways, and even a ticket to Vancouver Fashion Week!!! You should all keep your eyes on our facebook, blogs, and newsletters to catch all the upcoming events for your chance to WIN BIG!!!

For more information, check out our many media sources (facebook, twitter, newsletters, blog, YouTube) or contact us:

INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200-211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149