What to do on the weekend?

Can you believe it’s December already?! Time literally flew by this fall – or is that just me? Sooo.. are you ready for Christmas and Winter time? If you’re not quite in the mood yet, don’t worry: I have some awesome ideas for your first December weekend! 😄❄️

First of all, the Vancouver Christmas Market is finally open!!! And guess what: INTERNeX is obviously doing a trip over there to go check it out on December 1st – gotta start early lol. Christmas Markets are a super fun experience to get you hyped up for Christmas – especially if you go with friends! The food is always incredible and of course you can’t forget your mulled wine or hot chocolate! Apparently, the Vancouver Christmas Market has “authentic” German and/or European delicacies… we’ll be the judge of how true that is lol! 😉 Aside from food & drinks, you can also look at some decorations and you might even find a few cute gifts for your loved ones! I’ve always been a huge fan of Christmas Markets because they’re just so cozy and the atmosphere is always very festive, especially with all the fairy lights! We are super excited to check it out and I definitely recommend you join us for this awesome experience! 😊

For the rest of the weekend you could start your Christmas-shopping or maybe just get some inspiration for some presents by walking around downtown or just looking through some shops! Since Sunday is supposed to be rainy again, I feel like this is the perfect way to avoid getting soaked! A great place to check out during these gloomy days is Granville Island. The mood is just perfect – plus there’s a bunch of little shops where you can look for some gifts. The Granville Island Public Market is obviously also the place to go and try a bunch of new foods or get some inspo for your own Christmas-list.

Of course, if you don’t like the rain and maybe just wanna stay home to have a chill rest of your weekend, you can always get Christmas-y with some classic Christmas movies! My personal favourite is The Grinch!! 🙃 Some other good ones are Home Alone, Elf, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Gremlins, Christmas Vacation and sooooo many more! I recommend baking some cookies with friends and then watching one (or two or three) of these movies while you wait for the cookies and then you can enjoy them when they’re done! Oooh maybe along with some hot chocolate – I think that sound incredible!! :DD

Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have fun and don’t get too cold lol! Let me know if you have any other movie recommendations! And do you also have Christmas movie that you rematch every year? If so, which one is it? And why has it become your personal winter-tradition? Tell me all about this and your weekend next Pub Night!


-Talea :))

And the Winner Is…


I know you’re all dying to find out who won the Vancouver Fashion Show ticket, but first…

Get ready for Vancouver Fashion Week!

Thank you to all those that came out to INTERNeX Pub Night yesterday! 

We had a fun and fabulous Halloween party—with cream puffs, fruit tarts, and mini muffins with orange frosting, sprinkled with black ghosts.  

To wash all the food down, we also had some free beer for the first few people that came.

It was quite a festive night celebrating Halloween.  As always, it was good drinks and food.  

But one of the most anticipated highlights of the night is the Vancouver Fashion Week Ticket giveaway!

And INTERNeX is happy to present the WINNER…


Melissa and I (Tracy) will be going to Vancouver Fashion Week to watch a whole day of fashion shows at Empire Landmark Hotel!

Then….we will go to the after party!

WAIT…there’s more!

Stay tuned for a chance to WIN some more Vancouver Fashion Week tickets!!!