INTERNeX Canada: Exposé Of The Week ft Ilse Hofman

This week, we are interviewing Ilse Hofman who came from The Netherlands to work in Canada. She has been in Vancouver for almost 4 months since February this year. So here is what she had to say about her experience in Canada:

Why did you go to Canada?
Most of the younger Dutch people who wants to go abroad, go to Australia or the States. Australia is really expensive and I want to be different! I choose Canada because of the beautiful nature and I definitely do not regret my choice.

How long are you staying here?
I arrived in the beginning of February in Vancouver and will stay here till October. Until that time I will be working here and go on trips to other places of course. From October till January I will go travelling to the east of Canada and some places in the United States. I will fly back home at the end of February.

What kind of work are you doing, where have you worked?
My first job was at Blenz (coffee shop). I worked there for 2,5 months as a Barista. I had to travel 1,5 hours by bus to get there so after a while I started to find another job, closer to my home. Right now I’m working as a server in a restaurant of a private tennis club next to the beach and closer to my home.

How did you get your jobs?
Internex arranged the job interviews and advised me what I should say and what not to say. Applying for a job here is very different than applying for a job in The Netherlands so all the advise and tips were really helpful.

My landlord helped me getting the job as a server in the restaurant from the private tennis club. He is a member and knew that the club was looking for servers. He told me that and I was enthusiastic right away, than he talked to the F&B manager. The next day I got the contact details and I sent an e-mail to the manager and the day after I had my job interview. 2 weeks later I started and quit the job at Blenz.

What kind of tasks are you responsible for on daily basis?
When I worked at Blenz, I advised people about the products, handled payments, made the drinks and sometimes I made latte art! Of course cleaning was one of the things we had to do as well.

In the restaurant I am serving the guests, take their orders, serving drinks, handling payments. At the end of the shift we are cleaning all the tables and chairs and set up the tables for the next day/evening.

What is the best thing about your work?
During this work abroad my English improved a lot. That’s mainly because I use different expressions than I learned on school. I use a broader vocabulary.

Also, I meet new people that have different cultures. All the Canadians here are really kind and helpful. Especially in the beginning it was strange that everyone says; hi, how are you doing?  In The Netherlands, people will look at you and think: why do you ask, you don’t mean a thing!

What do you like most about Canada and Vancouver?
As I was telling before the people are so nice and helpful. I meet a lot of people and whole Vancouver is kind of your friend, people will tell their whole life stories while you are sitting in the bus or sky train next to them.

There are also a lot of things to do here in the city. In the winter you can go for skiing in the surrounding mountains. In the summer you can go to the beach, if the weather is nice of course! Other things you can do in Vancouver are hiking, visiting parks, like Stanley Park and shopping of course.

What trips did you do in your free time, also organized by INTERNeX?
In my first week in Vancouver we went to Cypress Mountain for skiing. Flora and I got lost at the end of the day, we are both no pro’s and we came out at the black part. We climbed back to the junction to the other way.

With St. Patricks day we saw the Parade with a few other and after that we had lunch together and did some shopping. With Easter I went to the Rockies with INTERNeX. It was an amazing trip, one of the must do’s in Canada!

In the beginning I went to the PuB NiGHTS almost every week. It is a great way to meet new people and friends!

Do you attend the weekly Pub-Night organized by INTERNeX and do you think this is a good way to meet new people?
In the beginning I went to most of the pub-nights. We became friends with each other and shared stories. But right now I’m not going that often, because the most days I am working in the evening.

Why did you choose INTERNeX International Exchange?
Internex is the partner from the travel agency in Holland. They told what Internex could do for me while I am in Canada and everything did sound really good.

What is the best thing about INTERNeX International Exchange?
They always want to help you and they always will make time for you. Internex knows a lot about other cultures, so they can advise you very well what to say and what not to say in example a job interview.

How did you find a place to stay?
Mina, who is working for INTERNeX knew someone who knew a another person who had a basement suite available. I took a look there and after a few days the place was mine!

How did INTERNeX International Exchange help you to organize your trip to Canada?
The travel agency in The Netherlands helped me with booking my flights. Internex was already looking for job opportunities and on my second day Flora, the PR intern, told me a lot about Vancouver, the transit system and other good things to know.

Would you recommend INTERNeX International Exchange?
Yes I will! As I said they help me with everything. They make you feel comfortable in the city. I think the nicest thing about Internex that if you come to Canada by yourself, you don’t feel alone when you arrive.

Thank you Ilse for sharing your experiences in Canada with us and for all the great memories during your stay here!



INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200 – 211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149

INTERNeX Canada: Exposé of the week ft Alexandr Tankos !

This week, we had the pleasure of interviewing the hockey coach Alexandr Tankos, who came from the Czech Republic with a Working Holiday visa and attended a city placement with INTERNeX.

Tankos award

Ron Thorpe (left),President of Richmond Minor Hockey Association with Alexandr Tankos(right)

He has been in Vancouver for 1 year since he came here, and he has the chance of staying 1 year more in Canada on a Young Professional Permit.

A month ago, he won the “Excellence in Coaching Awards”, award which is given to coaches who best exemplify the essentials of coaching (communication, instruction, player development, fair play, sportsmanship, leadership and organization).

Why did you choose Canada?

Well, I finished my studies in Public Administration in Prague and I decided that I wanted to improve my English Skills and also to gain new life experiences.

I considered the USA and UK, where I studied English for a short period, but Canada has the Working Holliday Program, which was really easy to participate in, and I decided that I could experience a new culture and experiences here.

I also chose Canada because this country is very friendly and it has a strong passion for ice hockey!

And why Vancouver?

I had other options like Toronto and more places, but Vancouver is a beautiful city and the weather is really good, and not very cold (during the winter -1 C).

How did you find INTERNeX International Exchange?

When I came back from the US to Europe, I asked my agency in the Czech Republic about some international programs and they were working with INTERNeX. They introduced me to Timothy Wells, President of INTERNeX. After a couple of meetings with Tim I understood what I should do in order to: find a good job related to my major, prepare for living in Canada, meet new people and what I needed for working in Canada.

What’s your job here and what tasks are you responsible for on daily basis?

I’m a coach at “Richmond ice hockey minor association” and “Pacific elite hockey school”. Where they run a very professional program. I received high level coaching and mentoring from the “Director of Players and Coach Development”; Glenn Wheeler, who gave me the background I needed and new experiences. In general I coach players from 6 to 17 years old in the skills session or team stuff as well.

My tasks are mainly training the guys at the ice rink and also off-ice (dryland). I also have to deal with parents, coaching meetings and prepare team building.

Wow. How did you decide to coach?

When I came to Canada, I realized that it was pretty tough to obtain employment in the governmental sector (high level of English and French, citizenship, etc.).  So I asked myself “what should I do?” And that’s when I figured out that I could do something related with sports.

But why did you think about doing something related with sports?

Because before I started my University I used to play hockey in Czech Republic.  I played in the junior team during the time I was studying in the high sport school and then I had the chance to play one year in the adult team. I finished my hockey career due to a few injures and then I started to study University.

I also had a couple experiences because I used to help my father, who was a general manager of one hockey club in Czech Republic; I was helping and watching him for more than 10 years.

What’s the first thing you did when you came to Canada?

First I went to what I consider the best language school in Vancouver (International House) to improve my language skills and to meet new friends. I recommend this to everybody. That was the start of my new life here in Canada.

Then I went to INTERNeX and that’s when I started to figure out what I was looking for.

The INTERNeX’ Team helped me a lot and supported me, arranged a meeting with the company, and they prepared me for my interview (How to introduce myself, how to dress and also the mentality for the meeting).

It was tough, but finally I got it, I recognize it was a big chance.

Alexandr with his plaque in Downtown Vancouver.

Do you find big differences between the ice hockey in Canada and Czech Republic?

First of all, we have to understand that Czech Republic has probably only around the 10% of hockey players that Canada has. If we want to be competitive with, we need to spend more time on ice and off-ice as well.

Another difference is that ice hockey clubs in Czech are more connected with adult’s hockey, boys can stay in one club since they start to play in “Hockey 1” until adults as a professional level. Here in Canada are many “small associations”, where the best players play till Midget, after they go to Major Midget, then to WHL as juniors, and then, if they are very good, to NHL.

And also the differences are seen in the parents. In Canada, parents pay more money, and they are logically also more involved in what the coach does.

Now talking about ice hockey, what do you think is necessary to be a hockey player?

I think you have to have these criteria:a sense of hockey, be fit, a background in hockey and have good luck. That’s all!!

How do you like your job and why?

I’ve got a job, which I love, for sure! And I love that, because I can help to kids every day. I teach them and I enjoy doing that. For me is not actually really a job.

What’s the best thing about your stay here in Vancouver?

I think the best thing is that I got a job, which I love and I’ve met honest and friendly people that helped me a lot. I went to a very good language school, in hockey I have been professionally mentored by the best coaches in B.C. and I always had the support of INTERNeX.

And what’s the worst thing about your stay here?

The worst part is that I’m very far away from home and maybe I don’t know so many people as I know in Czech.

So what is the first thing you will do when you return back home?

I’ll hang out with my parents, my grandparents and friends….and of course I’ll drink CZECH BEER!! Hehehehe.

Finally, would you recommend INTERNeX International Exchange?

Yeah, for sure I do! They helped me a lot!

But I just want to mention than people who want to come have to think about they have to try their best effort for getting what they want and they have to understand the Canadian culture.

I wanna say thank you to INTERNeX!


Thank you so much Alexandr for sharing your experiences in Canada with us and best of luck in your future !



INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200 – 211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149

INTERNeX Canada: Exposé of the week ft Justine

For this week’s exposé, we have a special video interview with Justine Forest from France! Justine came to Canada in March 2012 and attended a language school in downtown. Upon her completion, she started her internship at a boutique graphic firm in Gastown on September 2012 as a graphic designer and will finish her internship in March 2013!

In this clip, our PR team interviews Justine about her internship experience, so if you’d like to know more about Justine’s experience here in Vancouver, watch the video 🙂



INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200 – 211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149

INTERNeX Canada: Casual Friday Good purposes for the New Year

New Year, new life… that’s what people say!  This time of the year is the perfect time to plan some changes, to think about what you want to do next, to make some good purposes for the future…What are yours?

1) Almost everyone wants to become healthier, do more sport, and eat better…  Of course! We all want to look hot but the problem is that work out and veggies are not that “fun” as fast food and TV

2) Save money. We all want to have a lot of money in our accounts…but it’s so difficult to say no   to a beautiful dress, to some drinks with friends…oh expensive good life!

3) Traveling… I can do that! Yes for sure! I prefer this one that the previous one!

4) Be a better person, help the other… There is nothing bad is this purpose!

5) Quit smoking, or stop drinking coffee or any kind of vice! Similar to number 1, easy to say difficult to do… but at least try!

6) Get a job or a better job…Mm for sure! We need to keep optimist and try, fail, try, fail, try and get!

7) Be in love! Probably the most difficult one! It’s a risk, but if you don’t try you don’t win!

Ok now it’s time to write down your personal purposes! Sometimes is not easy to get them but the only way to change your life and improve yourself is having dreams and goals, so even it’s just a classic, I will keep doing my own personal purposes for New Year!

Enjoy your day,



INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200 – 211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149


I really believe that every single thing that happens in your life changes you. All the situations that you live, all the people that you meet… They are the real motive to change ourselves and grow up.

INTERNeX offers us exactly this, the chance to live a new situation, doing new tasks, meeting different people, living and working abroad… that´s  what becomes you in  a better professional and a better person, which is even more important.

Working at the office as a part of a team and not just as an “intern” makes us feel INTERNeX like something real ours. We spent a couple of months here, but we will be always an INTERNeXer!

Lies, one of our interns that already left a couple of month ago, is still part of us! She has been attended different colleges in The Netherlands to promote our services to those students who need to do an internship in their third year. Lydia another INTERNeX PR intern that I didn´t have the pleasure to meet, helped her as well in Den Haag, one of the 3 colleges where Lies promoted.

The both of them have done a great job inside and outside the office during this time. It is a good sign that your interns help you even when they already left, isn´t it? Maybe is because INTERNeX is doing a good work inside and outside the office as well.

Thank you so much girls,



INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200 – 211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149