How was the weekend?

If this weekend showed me one thing, it’s that the weather forecast in Vancouver is 100% NOT reliable lol! It was supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday but guess what? It was sunny and warm! Because why wouldn’t it be lol! Honestly better like this than the other way around.

Friday was super nice though, so some of us headed to the beach to watch the sunset! We actually got food and a picnic blanket as well, so it was super nice to enjoy dinner by the sunset. 🙂 We also went to Stanley Park beforehand and it was sooo nice! I definitely recommend checking out the rose garden right now, because there’s sooo many flowers blooming right now! There’s also cherry blossoms and it makes for some great pictures!!

Since the rest of the weekend was supposed to be rainy, we spent it with a little shopping and looking through some cute stores. We went to Park Royal, which is a huge mall in North Vancouver. If you wanna go shopping, I definitely recommend going there, they have something for everyone! We also added in a little extra stop to Horseshoe Bay before heading back to Vancouver. Horseshoe Bay is for sure also something you should see while you’re in Vancouver! It’s actually not that far from downtown (like 30-40min by bus) and the view is amazing! The harbour and Ferry Terminal look really pretty with mountains in the background and it’s right by the water.
Sunday we went to Granville Island! There are so many really awesome souvenir shops on Granville Island! I suggest staying on the left side of the Neon Sign and then heading towards the Public Market. Honestly we juts went in every little shop and just looked around! They all have so many awesome things and I absolutely recommend going here to look for some gifts to bring back home for your loved ones. They also have a lot of rally awesome jewelry and there’s even some shops where you can make some yourself ! 😀 Of course we also went to the Public Market and had some nice treats!

What did you do this weekend? Did you go outside and watch the sunset? Or maybe you also did a little shopping? Tell me all abut it next Pub Night!


-Talea :))

INTERNeX Canada: Smart Save Vancouver

Really guys, the new office is The Place to find cheap deals. If the last week Mercedes gave us some amazing discounts inside the mall, today I want to show you a little secret that you can discover just in the next corner (Abbott with Keefer).

I’m talking about the T&T, an Asian supermarket with a lot of food to take away. You can find a wide range of Japanese food… (Seaweed salad is something delicious). The prices are normally really good, but only a few people know that, between 7 and 9 PM, they make discounts between 20%-50%.

Maybe is not the best idea keep that food for the next night but for if you have to buy dinner in Downtown… it’s a good option.

Definitely, Vancouver is the place for the sushi-lovers. It’s the only thing that is cheaper than in Europe, I guess. Due to the importance of the Asian culture in our city, and the large amount of competitors, in our lovely Van it’s possible to find sushi for a really good price. If you haven’t tried it yet, this is the moment.

Syokuji wo Tanoshinde!!


INTERNeX International Exchange
International Village,
Suite 2077, 2079 – 88 West Pender Street
Vancouver, Canada -V6B 9N9-

INTERNeX Canada: How to arrive to the new office III

Hi everybody,

Wednesday (Clara) & Thursday (Mercedes) showed you how to arrive to our new office from the Skytrain and from bus stop: W Pender @ Carral St. I’m going to talk about the third and last entrance of the International Mall!

This is the entrance when you arrive with bus 19, 22 or N19. You have to get out at bus stop: W Pender @ Abbott St (I point to the stop in this video 😉 ).

If you want to have a better look of the bus stop you can check out this link in Google Maps.

Enjoy the video below that teccrab produced for us. If you still have questions you can always ask me on this blog or on Facebook. Have a great and wonderful weekend guys!



INTERNeX International Exchange
International Village,
Suite 2077, 2079 – 88 West Pender Street
Vancouver, Canada -V6B 9N9-

INTERNeX Canada: How to arrive to the new office II

tinseltownYesterday we showed how to get to the new office if you arrive with the SkyTrain Station – Stadium & Chinatown.

But as you know, we are located in Tinseltown- International Village Mall, so there are 3 different entrances.

So today, we show you how to get to our amazing office when you arrive with the bus in Chinatown. The closest Bus Stop is  West Pender St @ Carral St. The buses which stop there are: 19, 209, 210, 211, 214, 22, 7, N19.

You can see exactly in google maps the location of Pender Street Fs. Carral here.

If you’re afraid of getting lost, in the following video that we made, you can easily see how to arrive. Check it out guys!

INTERNeX International Exchange

International Village

Suite 2077, 2079 – 88 West Pender Street
Vancouver, Canada -V6B 9N9-


Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149


INTERNeX Canada: How to arrive to the new office

As you know, we start this week in a new office. It’s located in the Tinseltown- International Village Mall, a shopping center full of shops and delicious things to eat. Mercedes and I were worried about that fact, so we made a promise each other: try to cook (healthy food) at home and avoid lunch every day here because we can get fat very easily here. But the temptation is too strong 😦

Anyway we are so happy! The new place is fantastic. You will be able to see it in the next HiGHLiGHTS of the week… this week is our 10th episode so we are preparing a very special video with very funny content… but you will have to wait until this Friday to watch it!

Maybe it can be a bit confused gets to the new office because you can be lost in the mall. For that reason, we’ve made three videos with the three different ways to come to visit us.

Today, I want to show you how to arrive if you arrive with the SkyTrain Station – Stadium & Chinatown. The closest entrance is in Keefer with Abbott Street. You will see a little square and one Starbucks.

Check it out!

Now it’s impossible to be lost! Now that you know where we are, you can come to visit us and bring some food with you!

INTERNeX International Exchange

International Village

Suite 2077, 2079 – 88 West Pender Street
Vancouver, Canada -V6B 9N9-


Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149
