Special PuB NiGHT – Review

Yesterday we had a special PuB NiGHT going on at the Bourbon on Cordova St. Together with some of our INTERNeX partners we arranged this special event for you! The night started at 9pm when some of our INTERNeX candidates entered the pub. The theme of the party was ‘Been Around The World’ so a lot of people where dressed as their own country. To give you a good example, our candidate Flo from Austria was wearing his ‘lederhosen’ to the event, which was absolutely awesome!

Moose Travel was hosting some fun games during the evening. Some of our candidates wanted to play, so they were divided into teams. In the first round the teams had to crowd surf one of their team members, who had to drink beer with a straw afterwords. The second game was quarter bounce, where the players had to bounce several quarters into a cup. In the last round there was a real battle between the teams. Every team had to pick one team member to battle against the other team. Those persons were blindfolded and were wearing a helmet with an empty can on top of it. In the battle the players had to try to hit the can off the helmet of the other team player! Of course there were prizes to win last night, and team Jet Wild was the winner of the evening! They won Moose Whistler tours, tickets to the Giants playoff game and t-shirts!

The games were a lot of fun to watch and everyone was enjoying themselves. We had no cover, no line up and drink specials the whole evening, so basically we had a GREAT evening! Thanks for coming everyone. Check out the pictures from last night at our Flickr Page. Hope to see everyone next Wednesday!

Your PR-team

INTERNeX International Exchange
Suite 200-211 Columbia Street
Vancouver BC -V6A 2R5-
Web: www.internexcanada.com
Phone: +1 (604) 662 8149
Email: pr@internexcanada.com

Candidate Exposé

For the past month, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Simone. She flew in from the Netherlands and came to explore Canada on October 15, 2009. I’ve gotten the chance to hang out and party with Simone while living at the INTERNeX staff house, and she is so full of character! It’s evident in her laugh that she’s been having a blast in Vancouver, and she recently got to show her family around town too while they came for a visit!

Why did you decide to come to Canada?
Well, it was really hard to get a visa for the United States. Vancouver was the next closest thing and the Olympics were going to be held there so that’s what helped me make my decision.

How did you find out about INTERNeX?
I found out about INTERNeX through a dutch organization called Travel Active.

What program are you currently participating in?
I am in the Hospitality program doing a city placement at Blenz.

What do you enjoy about your job?
I love working with other international people, some of which are my roommates and housemates.

What skills do you use at work?
I have to multi-task and have great social skills.

What would you tell others about Canada as a country?
It is beautiful – a lot like Europe. People are really nice here… almost too nice!

Can you sum up your experience in Canada?
It is an awesome time to get to know life and more about myself.

What kind of activities have you done since living in Canada?
I’ve seen a lot of nature, been to the Rockies, and visited lots of areas within Vancouver such as Granville Island, Metrotown and many different beaches!

What are your plans for the future?
I plan to travel more all over the world, and maybe come back to Canada to work on a farm. Eventually though I would like to settle down back at home in the Netherlands.

Not sure which program is for you? Visit http://www.internexcanada.com for more information on how INTERNeX can make your trip to Canada happen!